
NG Endurance partners with London Roma GK Training

Posted by LONDON ROMA GOALKEEPER TRAINING on Nov 21 2020 at 02:22PM PST

Nolan Gilmour of NG Endurance ensures London Roma GK’s are in top physical condition as their strength and conditioning coach. Nolan has 20+ years of experience playing highly competitive soccer at the provincial and premier level, as well as 15 years of coaching experience from regional to varsity levels. This allows Nolan to combine his strength and conditioning education with his vast involvement in soccer to provide a specialized and elite level of training for soccer athletes.

Nolan has trained athletes at every level including: professional soccer players who have played in Europe and North America, NCAA-scholarship and Canadian University level soccer players, as well as top-level youth players from his role as Head Strength and Conditioning coach for London TFC OPDL academy. Nolan’s approach of combining strength and conditioning principles, such as, speed, agility, power and coordination with soccer technique, control and skill development provides a specialized and elite level of training for soccer players of any ability.


Nolan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology as well as the esteemed designation of Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.
He has trained athletes at every level including professionals in Europe and North America, NCAA and Canadian University players as well as top level youth academy athletes.
Nolan has spent a lot of his time researching and studying the physiology, biomechanics and strength and conditioning elements specific to soccer to offer an unmatched, specialized approach to developing elite soccer athletes.